Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Best friends through thick and thin

If you haven't met Jojo, Jimbo, Zelda, or Ruby yet, they are Ian's stuffed pals. He sleeps with them every night. We started out just with Jojo because I thought he would be a lovey I could handle carrying around. Then we found Jimbo (he's bigger than all the others) and he was a stuffed animal that had personality from the start. Zelda and Ruby have been welcomed additions given by Grandma D.

Ian frequently reads to all of his friends in his crib in the morning.

On Tuesday, after I got back from Casters Ian woke up from his nap and wanted everyone out of the crib with him. Then Ian and I decided to walk to the library and check out new books and Ian wanted everyone to come with us.

So everyone piled in to the chariot and we made a trip to the library.

Then this morning when Ian woke up feeling under the weather he was especially attached to the gang. So much so that when we got ready to go to the doctors office Ian insisted that everyone (except for Jimbo - the oversized on) come with us. This led to the comical scene of carrying around a toddler running a 104 degree fever and 3 stuffed animals (usually by their legs because that's the easiest way to carry them all).

When we arrived home Ian was so low key and just wanted to rest with his friends.

All of his friends have been at his side for the fun times and the less than fun times. Certainly good examples of true friends and I can only hope I can teach Ian the skills necessary for having "real" friends like his current stuffed animal posse.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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