I'm going to get you!

Whatcha doin' mom?

Ian is 9 months old. WOW! It seems like Ian has grown so much just in the last few days. He is occasionally waving so he might just be shaking his hand and not actually waving but I'm going with waving. He is exploring more of the house every day. He has figured out how to go down one stair on to the front door landing and be able to watch out the front glass door. He has not quite figured out how to get back up but I can always hear him working at it. He is also easily getting from the floor up to his knees and then yesterday on the stairs he made it from he knees to his feet! He's using his push-up skills to make it from his knees to his feet and now he is trying it everywhere!
Ian is still as happy as ever and he now is starting to laugh when others laugh and not just when you make funny faces or tickle him, although he may think that our laughing is funny enough to laugh at.
Overall, Ian is doing well. Joe is doing well and I'm doing well. Life is busy but we're hanging in there and Ian's smile always makes the day slow down just a little so we can enjoy the time we have together.
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