Monday, April 6, 2009

Ultrasound and Doctor's Appt

Ian had another follow-up appointment with the pediatric orthopedist today. Overall good news.

Radiology says Left hip has about 50% coverage and angle of 57 deg before it was 30% coverage and angle was 52 deg. There is no subluxation on stress movements (when they try to push his hip out of the socket and they push hard!). The Orthopedist says we should do a couple of more weeks wearing harness at night. We'll go back for a recheck in 2 months. She originally said to recheck him when he was 6 months old but apparently boys have a tendency to have their hips slip out again so we have to keep an eye on it. Ian was a trooper as always as they pushed on his hips. He is a tired guy now.

So the end is near. :-)

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