Thursday, July 30, 2009
7-month update
Wow! 7-months! Before we know it, Christmas will be here and Ian will be turning one! Ian is still the greatest kiddo ever (I'm just a little biased). His best smiles are in the morning. He's so happy and ready to tackle the day. I wish I woke up with no worries and in a state of happiness. He starting to get himself across the floor. It won't be long before he gets his legs into it and really start moving. Right now I'm just enjoying the time he'll sit in my lap because I know it won't last long.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Best Little Trooper

Ian has been quite the trooper the last week or so because so many things have happened in the last week to two weeks. Where to start.
1. Joe got a job with South Lake High School and has jumped in with both feet already. The celebration of Joe's new job lasted about 15 minutes and that lead us into the second adventure.
2. We immediately started the house hunt since we realized we had about 45 days before we start school and thus needed a place to live. Joe accepted his job offer last Thursday, we met with a real estate agent on Friday (Ian stayed with Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Caroline), explored neighborhoods on Saturday (Ian joined us), saw about 14 houses on Sunday (Ian stayed with Aunt Steph, Uncle Andrew, and Cousin Owen), revisited 2 houses and saw 1 new house on Monday (Ian went with us - after his doctor's appointment-complete with shots), made an offer on Tuesday, accepted the counter offer on Wednesday, and completed the house inspection today. WHEW!!! Just summarizing it makes me feel exhausted.
During the whole process Ian also started daycare and through it all he cut his first tooth and smiled almost the whole way through. He's just such a happy little guy. Joe and I could not ask for a better son. Love you Ian!
Here are more pictures of Ian and Owen playing.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Movin' and Shakin'

Ian is laughing all the time and is becoming very ticklish. He squirms, giggles and smiles while you tickle him all over. There are not quite a few thing that consistently make him laugh like running forwards and backwards, galloping, pushing him in his highchair and lifting him up in to the air.
Every day as I watch him play I see new skills he's developing and it blows my mind! I haven't gotten out all my TPBA development charts but I'm getting close. Still no teeth but he nawing on everything he can get his hands and mouth on. He's also beginning to sit up on his own but we haven't set him out in the open to try on his own but I think sometime soon he'll have it down enough that he can try it without the mom/dad-leg-training-wheels.
Overall, he's doing great. He's happy and health and that makes his Mom and Dad happy.
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