Ian is now one month old. It is hard to believe. In some ways the month has flown by and in other ways it seems like it has been several months since he joined our world. Ian is doing very well. He's eating well, sleeping well and is more alert every day. Some of Ian's favorite things include stretching (especially after a long nap), grunting, and looking at our headboard (it is dark wood slats against a light color wall - high contract objects). We're headed back to U of M on Monday to have a hip ultrasound done again and meet with the pediatric orthopedist again so we'll have more info on his hip early next week. Click HERE fore some of Ian's one month pictures.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
One Month
Ian is now one month old. It is hard to believe. In some ways the month has flown by and in other ways it seems like it has been several months since he joined our world. Ian is doing very well. He's eating well, sleeping well and is more alert every day. Some of Ian's favorite things include stretching (especially after a long nap), grunting, and looking at our headboard (it is dark wood slats against a light color wall - high contract objects). We're headed back to U of M on Monday to have a hip ultrasound done again and meet with the pediatric orthopedist again so we'll have more info on his hip early next week. Click HERE fore some of Ian's one month pictures.
Monday, January 26, 2009
1st Bath Tub Bath
Ian had his first bath in his bath tub. We've been doing sponge baths and we might go back to them after today but we had to at least try our first tub bath. Here are pictures while in the tub and out of the tub. Ian is obviously happier outside of the tub. :-) We'll keep trying because he's going to love the water.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
First Photo Shoot
Ian had his first photo shoot with his Aunt Stephanie this week. She did an amazing job and we had lots of fun. Here are fruits of Stephanie's hard work.
Also, if you haven't seen some of the work Stephanie has recently done check out her website.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
2 week check-up
Ian had a good 2 week check-up with the doctor today. He's gained weight and is now 7lbs 14oz. He had his first shot today and of course he screamed when he got the shot but he quickly recovered and went back to sleep. He's such a good little guy, he's very forgiving.
Ian also had his first photo shoot with his Aunt Stephanie for his birth announcements so we should have some new photos to post and share in the next few days.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Emily and Joe proudly introduce...
Click Name for Pictures.
Born 12/30/2008 at 11:28 pm. 7lbs 6oz and 21in.
Ian has finally graced us with his presence and only a few days "late". He made a grand entrance which made up for his slight tardiness. I'll try to keep this short. Ian's due date was Saturday 12/27 and by my Monday appointment he hadn't arrived. At my doctors appointment I was 2 cm dilated, 30% effaced but still -3 stage (not the best news) so we made an appointment for Friday which would be to make plans for an induction early the next week.
Luckily I didn't need an induction. I worked all day on Tuesday, walked around Caster Concepts for a 1/2 hour before heading home for dinner. I ate dinner about 7:30 and at that point I was having some discomfort in my back. My family was making plans to have dinner on New Years Eve together and in my gut I said we'd be there if we weren't in the hospital because I was starting to think this might be the beginning of my labor. Well I was right. I think I had 2 or 3 contractions that were 10 minutes or so apart, then only a few at 5 minutes apart. Joe and I were doing what we should have been doing and waiting until the contractions were 5 minutes apart for an hour or more. To spare everyone the details as the contractions got worse I threw up several times (Joe was incredibly supportive). We called the hospital between 9 and 9:30 to say that we thought it was time to go to the hospital because at that point I was ready for relief of my back pain but the thought crossed my mind that I didn't know how I was going to make the hour drive to Ann Arbor where I was suppose to deliver. I could barely get out to the car because I was only getting about a minute or two break in between contractions. I was also thinking that this might not be labor or I just wasn't handling it well because I was suppose to get breaks in between contractions. Joe finally got me in the car about 9:30-10 and started racing towards Ann Arbor. About 10 minutes into the drive Joe asked me if we should call 911 and get an ambulance. I didn't respond because part of me thought that was ridiculous but I also didn't know how I was going to make it any further. We pulled off at a rest stop and I started to hear the 911 operator giving Joe instructions for how to get ready to deliver a baby! Panic set in! At that point as much as I didn't want my own dad to deliver my baby I thought that would be a better option. Luckily the ambulance showed up, they loaded me in and took me to the nearest hospital in Jackson. When I arrived at the hospital and got checked around 10:45 they said I immediately needed to go to the delivery room (I'm sure they thought this lady is just young and freaking out for nothing -- apparently not). I of course took my one opportunity to ask if I could have anything for the pain but I was too far along (I didn't know I was just minutes away from delivery) and of course at that point the thought of not getting anything pain relief scared the junk out of me. :-) Off I was taken to the delivery room and about a 1/2 hour later at 11:28 Ian Hugo joined us.
Ian is doing very well. He's completely healthy. He has a hip click and/or clunk (depending on what doctor you talk to) which could mean he has hip dysplasia and so we have a referral to orthopedics to see if it is actually hip dysplasia or not. Currently we get to enjoy triple diapering! We're not worried about this. If it is hip dysplasia it is a relatively straight forward treatment plan and just something to make him and us as a family strong.
I'll try to post frequently about Ian's growth but currently our internet isn't stellar (we're working on getting that fixed) but it's important for me to share with our friends across the US how Ian is doing because he has so many people that love him already.
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